Friday, November 16, 2012

The Long Haul

Day 338:

Here we are Conor... Time to rollout to South Carolina.  Mommy just got home from picking you up from school and meanwhile I've been packing the much talked about trailer.  As well, Mom-Mom showed up!  She got to our house around 4:00pm and was just dying to see you, Son!  When you finally got home from daycare, well, she just couldn't wait to snatch you up, Boy'O.

As of now the plan is to wait until after we've all eaten, give you a quick bath, wrapped up in your PJ's, loaded into the car, and off we'll go.  Such fun!  Road tripping at night, Son.  And with a full car!  Me, you, Mommy, Mom-Mom, Bruiser, and Mickie.

Now I have to go and grab dinner so we can all have a nice meal before motorin' on down the road.  But Son, we're gonna have such fun!  I can't WAIT to you to South Carolina!  Mommy either, and your Memeow and Grandpa K9 are beside themselves with anticipation...

South Carolina or Bust, Son!

I love you, Conor.  My road trip partner...

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