Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dark Days Are Coming

Day 323:

Autumn has all but come and gone, Son.  My very favorite time of year makes way for quite the seasonal change, Boy'O.  It makes way for the Winter...

I've never been a huge fan of Winter, Conor.  The days are shorter and provide far less light and as I'm a man who thrives in the warmth of the Sun, the long Winter's nights and deep cold leaves me yearning for Spring.  Still, the Winter is not all bad...  After all, it brings with it Thanksgiving!  Then your Birthday!  Christmas is in the Winter!  Then there's New Years Eve and my Birthday...  There are a lot of fun days in the Winter!!  Though truthfully, outside of those fun days you can keep the cold.

Nothing about weather truly bothers me, Son.  In fact I don't get bothered by rain or snow.  I don't worry about if it's cold outside or warm.  All I care about is the light.  Ironic considering my affinity for the moon and my love of the night.  Though without the Sun, I just don't carry the same energy I have otherwise...  Never the less, that time has come.

In a few days we roll the clocks back for Daylight Savings Time, Son.  At that point we'll be in the throws of Winter, albeit with plenty to look forward to...  And in fact, these next 4 weeks will be crazy, Conor!  In all we'll be on the road all four weekends in November...  Arkansas this weekend to see yolur Pop-Pop and Mi-Mi Sarah, Philadelphia next for Andrew's birthday, and South Carolina for the week of Thanksgiving to see your Mom-Mom, Me-Meow, Grandpa K9, Uncle Billy and Aunt Ellie, Kinsley and Brantley, and so many great friends for the following two weeks.  The traveling Yerkes, Son.  Seeing the world is better than not, that's for sure...

And more travel after that too!  And why not?  Beats sitting around thinking about where we could go!

That's all for tonight, Lion Heart.  Big day tomorrow so we should all get our rest...

I love you, Son.

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