Friday, November 2, 2012

To Pop-Pop's House We Go...

Day 324:

Well Conor, today was the day you would take your third airplane trip!  So far you've been to California, South Carolina, and now Arkansas!  At least by plane... You've of course also been to a number of states around us, including Washington DC (technically not a state though they're taxed like one), North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.  That's right, Boy'O, you're not even 11 months old and you've already been in 9 states!  (and one district...)  That's impressive!  You're a traveling man, Son! Me?  I've been to 36 of the 50 states and was born in Washington DC, though assuredly, we'll see them all, Son... And then some.

Yes Boy'O, today we made the trip to Arkansas to see your Pop-Pop and Mimi-Sarah.  They recently moved to a beautiful new lakeside community containing 9 lakes, 6 golf courses, and beautiful mountains in the Ozarks just outside Little Rock, Arkansas; A beautiful little city in the heart of the South.

Pop-Pop and Mimi-Sarah live in a Hot Springs, Arkansas.  The state's number one vacation retreat!  Truly a quaint and country town surrounded by 47 natural hot springs making the area completely unique to so much of the rest of the country.

When we landed and deplaned we were met by your Grandparents just outside the airport and into balmy 80 degree temperatures...  Not to bad for November.  And great for your Pop-Pop who dreams of nothing more than playing golf and woodworking in his custom built wood shop.  They took us immediately to the town of Hot Springs where we would tour the town, see some sites, touch the hot water of the springs, and grab a nice steak dinner at a local restaurant called "The Porterhouse". Good wine, great steaks, fantastic conversation, and family...  Nothing better than family, Son.

It was so great to see you in your Pop-Pop's arms, Conor.  Something I've dreamed of for years and years.  Before I even knew you, I always dreamed of a day your Pop-Pop, my Dad, would hold my child.  You Son. You're it...  And in true Conor the Lion Heart form your smile melted both his and Mimi-Sarah's hearts.  And I was happy.  Your Mom too...

Though now you slumber (finally!) and I'm away from the conversation... Gotta get back, Son.  But know this, as I've said at least 324 times before and countless times you don't even know of, I love you, Conor.  So much.  9 states, one district, and we're just getting started...  My traveling boy.

Love ya Son,

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