Sunday, March 4, 2012

Conor the Lion Heart Gets to Work

Day 82:

It's a busy week for us all, Son. You're no exception... The upcoming weekend holds several days full of family from literally all over the country! Yes Boy'O the upcoming weekend is your Christening weekend, and in my birth city of Washington DC, too! So of course, with this much family coming to town there are so many things to do to get your house in order, Conor. Today was a day of fixing doors, replacing old door knobs, cleaning the garage (a daunting task to be sure), doing yard work, running errands... Ugh! And it's STILL not all done! No matter, you were there every step of the way, Bud. One way or another...

In other news, day by day you're getting more and more active in what you see, your coordination, and your efforts to hold yourself upright... It's so much fun to watch you, literally before my eyes, do new and exciting things every single day! And I've no doubt those reading this blog who've had children kinda smirk and think, "Shane, it only gets better!!" and to that I say, "I believe you!", but in those times it's really hard for me to wrap my head around anything being better than where you are right now... And yet each day you impress me more! There is no prouder man on Earth than the Father of the Lion Heart, Son. I promise you that.

Love you, Conor. Always.

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