Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Day of Peace with MeMeow

Day 93:

Today was a good day, Son. Beautiful weather, birds chirping, trees are blooming... The smell of Spring is thick in the air. And oh yeah, you slept 6 hours last night! Talk about a surprise?! It was certainly good (for me) to start the day with a solid 5.5 hours of sleep behind me... You see Boy'O, I'm a bit of a night owl and so I seldom sleep before midnight. So naturally that makes me eligible for your midnight bottle. Last night's bottle went down smooth and easy and when I placed you back in your crib you were like a limp noodle... 6 hours later - still sleeping! Mommy went to bed a bit earlier - typically 10:00pm or so. So without her having to wake up at 3:00am to feed and change you, she benefitted from your heavy slumber as much as you did!

The whole "schedule" thing has been established since we came home from the NICU, and all forbid if we deviate from the Lion Heart's schedule! But you're coming into your own day by day and developing a few habits of your own. A good sleep habit is a sound foundation for a happy young lad, and that you'll be, Son. I promise.

Otherwise, it was just another day as the Father of the Lion Heart. Mommy had a busy work day, I was pulled in a 100 directions at work too, MeMeow took wonderful care of you, the dogs didn't screw anything up... All in all, it was an uneventful and peaceful day... And sometimes, that's all anyone can ask for.

Sleep tight, Boy'O. I love you.

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