Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Day of Work and Play

Day 103:

There was much to do around the house today, Son. Just some general tidying I suppose, but little things stack up quickly and the next thing you know you're staring down one big chore... Though for me, I'm a project oriented person, Conor, so when I get started on something I typically see it through. Today was no exception.

In this case I got into the work and never looked up 'til it was done. Next thing I knew the house was clean, the laundry was done, Mommy was done knocking down her chores, and MeMeow had you covered as far as feeding and napping were concerned. By late afternoon the clouds were breaking and we all realized how badly we needed to get out of the house. It's not often I'm cool with a trip to the mall, Son. But on this day I wanted to do ANYTHING but sit at home and so we loaded up the Audi and off we went.

Mommy and MeMeow are professional shoppers Boy'O. Myself? I'm a people watcher and a "go-along-to-get-along" kinda guy. A quick stroll through the mall, a couple of stops along the way, and we were off to grab a drink and something to eat. Cold beers, smokey ribs, some wings... Not bad I think! Nice little Sunday...

Otherwise, I don't suppose there's much else to mention. Just a busier than usual Sunday I suppose. But I spent it with you and that's all that matters.

I love you, Son.

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