Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Splendid Day for the Lion Heart

Day 81:

Today was a great and busy day, Conor. It was a day of family, being outside in the great wide open, and to top it off, we watched one of the best movies I've truly ever seen... Let's start with family...

Your not-so-little cousins, Liam and Devin, turned one year old a few days ago and so the local family all got together to enjoy one another's company, have a bite to eat, and of course help the boys blow out their candles. It was the first time you'd been around a lot of small children, Conor, and I have to say, you handled it with great poise (for a three month old!)... it was so fun to see Natasha and Brianna, Tess, Liam and Devin, and others. And as important as it is for you to meet all your great cousins, it's doubly important for me to not miss this birthday because one of your cousins, Devin, is my Godson! All in all it was a great time with family - a blessing I appreciate more and more as my teeth grow ever slightly longer...

Well, when we left the house it was a yucky day, Boy'O. Cool, rainy, and a bit windy... But by the time we left Patsy and Paul's house, it was a fine almost-like-Spring day! Sunshine and temperatures in the 60's... Driving the scenic route through my favorite Virginia town of Clifton, Mommy and me decided to stop at one of our favorite wineries and sit outside to enjoy the day with you. To be sure it was a bit comical... We weren't all that prepared to sit outside with you when we left the house so we had to basically dress you for cooler weather in the wide open and it was quite the calamity! Mommy and I laughed as onlookers questioned whatever in the world we must have been doing to the poor crying baby... Little did they know they were in the presence of the Lion Heart... Anyway, after a few minutes we got you all sorted out and hardly spoke a word as we sat and enjoyed the wonderful March weather while enjoying a glass of Viognier. A fine afternoon...

When we finally arrived home it was time to take it easy and spend the rest of the day / night not doing much of anything; a luxury to be sure these days. While Mommy worked steady on her computer all the while holding you on her chest, I decided I wanted to see a movie... I went to my Apple TV and selected "Hugo" by Director, Martin Scorsese. While Scorsese is now, and has been, one of my very favorite Directors, his style of movie borders on the wicked at times... Crime thrillers and action flicks, period pieces and big fables, but without question, my new favorite Scorsese movie is "Hugo". Conor, I'm a movie fanatic. Of the things I like to do for personal entertainment at home, it's write, read, and watch movies. And during football season, I watch the Redskins but that's closer to a disease than a hobby - one that I could be committed for, but I digress... Few movies impact me on an emotional level, Boy'O, but this story, "Hugo" was one of the greatest flicks I've ever seen. From the artistry and set design to the story and brilliant actors and direction, it had everything... A dreamers delight. It was so good, I decided to write about it in this post! A rarity for certain...

Now Son, it's off to bed. I just can't keep my eyes open much longer. But I suspect I'll have sweet dreams with such a great film fresh in my mind, imagining what you'd be like as the lead character. And that's not a bad way to sleep, Boy.

I love you, Conor. Forever and always. And always remember my Son, 'tis the dreamer who gets the most out of this life. Because to a dreamer, anything is possible.

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