Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Making the Switch

Day 91:

Today was just another busy work day for me, Conor. The only real abnormality in the day was that it's March 12th and a balmy 80 degrees in the DC area - an anomaly to say the least! Otherwise, it was a Tuesday. Meh...

Not so for Mommy. No sir. Mommy was back to work full time today and to be sure, she was more than a little melancholy about it. But, I suppose the day was busy enough that she was so occupied it took her through the business at hand in a series of meetings and consults, and the next thing she knew she was headed home to see you... I never heard a word from her or your Grandma MeMeow, so I guess everyone was just fine in their respective places!

We're so fortunate that Grandma MeMeow (whom I will now only ever refer to as 'MeMeow') is willing to spend the month with you, Son. It imparts a great piece of mind in so far as your personal care at such a young age. Though soon enough it's off to Day Care - a subject that's been researched and considered ad-nauseum in this house. I've every faith everything will work out, Boy'O. It's been my experience that, no matter how much I worry about it, it always turns out exactly the way it was supposed to in the end. I'm quite sure you'll be in fine hands when we eventually succumb to the rules of a more typical dual income household in Northern Virginia. Working parents, day care, your socialization, stories from your teachers and caregivers of the small triumphs throughout the day... In this World I suppose that's simply the norm. And don't get me wrong, I'm thankful to have the opportunity to come home to you each day. Mommy too. There are thousands of Men and Women who sacrifice far more in servitude of our country, Boy'O. Though without question, any mother or father whose ever loved their child hates to be away from them... Especially so young.

I digress...

Well Son, it's late in the evening and I'm going to work on a thing or two more before retiring. Just know, even when Mommy and me aren't around because we're working or managing some other engagement, you're at the forefront of all our thoughts. As is any good parent's child. And without question that's all I strive to be in this life, Son... A good parent, no a GREAT parent to the Lion Heart.

I love you, Son.

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