Saturday, March 24, 2012

It Takes a Lot to Feed a Lion Heart

Day 102:

Well Conor, today started out really great! True to last night's blogpost prediction you woke up at 5:30am screaming hungry. I jumped out of bed as if the room was on fire, shot down stairs to prepare your breakfast, and then fed you your bottle as we watched the sun come up. As expected you soon drifted back to sleep with me as your pillow. A perfect way to start the day... Not wanting to lie awake while everyone, dogs included, laid in slumber, I gently moved you back into Mommy and my room. As I laid you in the bed I crooked my arm just a bit, and while you settled into that small nook, I watched you closely and drifted off to sleep myself.

A couple hours later I awoke to find that you were no where to be seen! Seems Mommy heard you stir and, to her surprise, when she rolled over there you were, wide awake. Not wanting to wake me she picked you up for yet another bottle and moved on into the nursery to feed you. Note the time though... 5:30am to 6:00am you had a bottle. 7:45am to 8:15an you had another. Each being four ounces. By 10:00am you were ready for yet another bottle, and then again at Noon. All bottles were four ounces.

Why is this important?? Because until today you'd been getting four ounce bottles ever three hours like clockwork - at least for the last 3 weeks. Not realizing that your tiny body isn't so tiny any more, we collectively realized that you're likely an ounce, or even two ounces, under where you should be! By the time your Mommy figured this out, you'd been largely awake less than twelve hours and had been fed seven times!! To compound matters, because your little body kept telling your giant brain to scream for food, you hardly got any sleep at all throughout the day. And what does that mean? It means a LOT of crying!

With Mommy's great realization of "oh my - we're starving him!" (we're not of course) and my somehow being to dumb to notice, perhaps we're on track now in getting you the proper nourishment to assist you in both growth and a good nap / night's sleep. In fact, it's about that time, Boy'O. You're about due for your midnight feeding, courtesy of yours truly. And with that, I'm off, Boy'O. It takes a lot to feed a Lion Heart, and as I sit here listening to Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues", I realize that if I don't get crackin', I could be on the Lover of Hound's dog house!

I love you, Son.

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