Monday, March 19, 2012

Growing Pains

Day 97:

It's amazing really, Boy'O, watching you grow... This evening I came home with a rack of things to do around the house in preparation for the maids coming in tomorrow. It was frantic. I walked in, set my case down, said hi to you, your Mom, and MeMeow, changed clothes, then got to it... And that went so far as killing breakers and changing out old and worn power outlets! I mean to tell you, Son, I was BUSY!

I finally saw a break in the action and my timing was perfect - you were just starting to fuss. My opportunity to swing in and sweep you away; hold you tight and sing silly songs to you in exchange for silence. I brought you upstairs all the while singing an old tune and laid you on your changing table... I had to take a step back!

I'm not sure if I haven't been paying attention, Son, but the Lion Hearted preemie is a preemie no more! Though of course, ever the Lion Heart. Never the less, I had to stand away from the changing table to have a look at my little three and a half month old boy! You filled up the ENTIRE changing table!

Why is that relevant? When you came into this house you were little more than the size of a football, Boy'O! 4 lbs. 11 oz and 17 inches long... I could LITERALLY hold you in the palm of my hand; your entire back and neck fitting cosily in my grip... Now? Well now I almost need two hands to cradle you! And it's as though I somehow missed it! I honestly couldn't believe how big you were, Son. And I'm so proud. So, so proud.

There are an immeasurable number of things we're going to do in this World, Conor. Including travel it and by a number of means. Car, truck, motorcycle, boat, airplane, train... And each moment you grow a little bigger is a moment my anticipation grows a little greater.

You're amazing, Conor An ChroĆ­ Lion. And I love you, Son.

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