Friday, March 9, 2012

Here they come!

Day 87:

Here they come, Conor! The adoring fans of the Lion Heart are showing up 2 by 2. First up, long time family friends of Mommy's, now some of my dearest friends in the world, Scotty and Darlene Dudley. The Dudley's breezed into town from Beaufort, SC this evening with gifts in tow. There are stories I will one day tell you of the great adventures me and your Uncle Scotty have shared, Son... You will know his name, as you will know many family names, but there's a special connection between me and your Uncle Scotty. We've shared adventures the likes of those who many in this life will never know, and to be sure there are more to come.

As Scotty and Darlene walked in the door they came poised to win the Lion Heart Sweepstakes! The Dudley's walked into the house with a life size stuffed Lion that actually opens up in to a huge pillow blanket for your play time! I couldn't believe it, Conor. It was truly such a sweet gesture. The recognition of the character of your soul. Who you are. A fighter with the Heart of a Lion. I'm so proud to call you my Son, Boy'O. And as much as you're your Mother's son, when the Lion Heart came to be it was my heart I considered being that which powers your own heart. A preemie boy with the heart of a lion. My Son with a heart as strong as my own. The height of all my pride. And your Mother's too.

In other news, you had another appointment with you Pediatrician today and guess what?? 8 lbs 6 oz.!!! You're growing leaps and BOUNDS Son! The Doctors, the nurses, they're all SO impressed with you! And when I think about the number of children they must see - on the order of a hundred per week - whenever Mommy takes you to see Dr. Banta, she and the other Nurses are so interested in keeping up with your progress that they will literally stop what they're doing to come by and visit you. It's truly remarkable how you win the hearts and minds of those whom you've never shared a word with. Because they see you as I see you. As Mommy sees you. As your Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Godparents, and true friends see you. They see you as the adorable boy who fights the odds. The Lion Heart. Conor an croĆ­ Lion...

I love you, Son. You're truly awesome. And it only keeps getting better.

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