Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Fussy Boy

Day 99:

Well Conor, I'm starting to take it personally... It seems each night when I get home between 6:30pm and 7:30pm, all you want to do is cry... And especially when I hold you! That's a bit of a drag, albeit a temporary one (I hope). Your mother seems to be adeptly prepared to take you on and calm you down with a quick bounce and a soft song, and no surprise at all, she clearly picked that up from her Mom, your MeMeow, because MeMeow can do it too! Me? No sir... It's fuss, cry, cry, fuss, unless I stuff a bottle in your mouth or pass you off to the A-gamers.

I don't REALLY take it personally, but to be sure I can't wait 'til you're through this faze of your infancy. So many people tell me I should cherish these moments, and to some degree I do! Most of them anyway... But I'm a fixer, Conor. I'm ever concerned about everyone around me and their well being; how they're doing, how they're feeling. Personally I believe that's why I did so well as a bartender! No glass sat empty on my watch, Boy'O!

eh'hem, where was I? Ah yes, "fixer"...
It's (often unfortunately) in my nature to want to make any situation better, Conor. And in most cases I'm readily able to do so; I fancy myself witty, humorous, all to happy to share an anecdote, and Johnny on the spot with a cocktail. But when it comes to a crying baby boy, I've met my match...

It's not all bad, Son, I don't mean to complain. But I can't stand to hear you cry. The Lion Heart is a growing baby boy and these are the dues that must be paid, though certainly there's no amount of pain you'll ever endure that I wouldn't take head on for myself, just so you wouldn't hurt. And in this case I recognize it's not necessarily 'pain' you're feeling, but to be sure I'd swallow that which causes your tears if it meant your peace and comfort. And I'd like to think any parent would.

Anyway, rambling. You'll stop crying unconsolably soon enough and this will all be a distant memory. Though in the mean time I'm ready to do whatever's necessary to take it all away -count on me. Now and always...

I love you, Son.

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